UX updates, Multisourcing, Dynamic pricing, CRM tools and more

Our solution is completely unique for our market. One of our core company values is that we’re always evolving, so continuous innovation lies at the heart of what we do. We launch new features on our product weekly, here are some of the key innovations we have implemented in the previous year:

A bespoke CRM system which automatically identifies when our client customer behaviour or purchasing patterns change, so they can target them with relevant marketing and sales campaigns. What is unique about our CRM tool, is that it anonymously analyses industry data and based on customer segments, provides benchmarking on how that customer should be performing in each product category. This allows our clients to maximise sales opportunities and contact their customers at the right time with the right offers.

Dynamic pricing functionality. With this new tool, our clients are able to save time and effortlessly set up multi-layered pricing that’s proven to increase their margin. It allows them to:

  • Predict future margin improvements using their personal sales data and our new dynamic pricing UI screens.
  • Set their target margins at Department, Category and Brand levels with full visibility of the effects.
  • Use real-time industry average pricing data to help benchmark where their margin targets should be set.
  • Automatically move prices when cost prices or vendor prices change to protect their margin.

Product multi-sourcing functionality which enables products to be sourced from multiple suppliers and automates switching products between suppliers. Thus allowing our clients to take advantage of better pricing and avoid stock shortages.

A full UX re-design project has been completed across all our client websites making them fully responsive and allowing them to trade on any device with customer experience always at the forefront. This has been built using our bespoke responsive framework which passes less data over the internet, thus making the sites faster to load.

These are just some of the product enhancements that have been implemented. We continue to innovate, create and improve.

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